Cross Burnings

Cross burning typically goes unreported to the media. When police and fire is alerted by their dispatchers, this occurs off-radio, by either cell phone or landline.

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2007 – Anoka, MN. A man was charged by police with burning a cross in front of his own home and falsely reporting it as a hatecrime. He was turned in by inmates he was formerly incarcerated with. Anoka homeowner charged with burning cross on his own lawn.

1990 – Saint Paul, MN. Several juveniles, including Arthur Miller, gathered together and burned a cross on the fenced in front lawn of a Black family. Although the youth was charged with two crimes, his conviction was overturned on appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court. R.A.V. v. City of Saint Paul.

1989 – White Bear Lake, MN. A cross was discovered by police to have been burned outside the home of a Ukrainian family. This family came when nearly 10,000 Soviet Christian families immigrated to the United States. Soviet Immigrants Harassed, Threatened. St. Cloud Times, October 10, 1989, p. 12.

1989 – Coon Rapids, MN. A large cross was burned behind an apartment complex in front of where a Black family was residing. The building was located at 10650 NW Tamarack St. Two men have been charged. Cross-burning Reported Outside Coon Rapids Apartment Building. Star Tribune, August 15, 1989, p. 2

1984 – Columbia Heights, MN. A cross was found burning at the home of a Black family at 3916 NE Third Street. The fire was lit by several teens in the victim’s back yard. Neighbors held a BBQ in the back yard of the victim’s residence to support the family. Black Family Shaken by Cross-burning. Foley, Ellen. Minneapolis Star Tribune, February 21, 1984.

1961 – Minneapolis, MN. A cross was burned on the lawn of a Black family at 3008 Columbus Ave S. The city mayor publicly condemned the incident. Cross is Set Afire on Negro’s Lawn. Minneapolis Tribune, January 22, 1961.



“Cross Burning Is More Common Than You Think.” [Pacific Standard, May 3, 2017, by Lauren Kirchner]. Read Here.